
today i got featured on my school’s instagram page 


chapter 11 is up and i want to give a huge thanks to @awaestories098 for biggest my biggest supporter yet. thank you from the bottom of my very heart and have a good night :) i’m sure we’ll meet again very soon, stay tuned 


ivana, i didn’t want to point this out but i’ve got the BIGGEST oopsie on my message LOLx


ok hi goys... hope y’all aren’t mad at me for taking ages to update... just wanna say the short update is up and please do tell me how you’d like the book to go because i’m the author and every vague suggestion is genuinely appreciated. i know this book doesn’t have many reads, “oh, this book definitely isn’t of good quality, it won’t make it big...” yada yada yada whateveR i’m not writing to become popular and recognized, only writing because of my love for harry potter andd to kinda?¿ improve my writing. anyway stay safe amid this pandemic and ALWAYS put your health and safety first okay goys peace xx