Hi everyone, its been a while cx So I haven't had the best mental space to sit down and actually write sadly. But now do I have a break from school until after sommar and I thought I could go back to writing again! But sadly do I plan on taking a tiny break from my fanfics because I have lost my motivation on continuing them. Don't worry I will finish them but I need to take a break from them and do something else until I get the feeling on going back to them. I just don't really enjoy the story line anymore but because you guys enjoy them so do I plan on finishing them. I do have some good things too; I have two new books in the making so here are them. Dream big: Its a story about a girl and how she falls in love with this kpop idol and how they help her to be a big star. And then two storys about bdsm! I hope you guys aren't to sad about it all and that you will enjoy my new books <3