
Yeah I read all of those ones and I love them, you write some amazing books cant wait to see what comes next


@sisser Insanity has some uses...  (grin)


          Thanks for checking out my story! You’re a super stellar star! ⭐️
          PS what’s your favourite dog to groom? Is there a difference between breeds? I imagine long hair dogs take more time but might be more fun....


Haha I used to hav big dogs... they hated having their tailS touched... lol yeah animals over people anyday
            Thanks for reading! spam votes sound good lol I’ll look forward to it 


@greydaygirl I really like it it's a bit different from what I usually read but it's really good, don't be surprised if I spam vote I have usally finish a book and then vote on all the chapters. There is a lot of difference in breeds, it's surprising how many quirks seem to be linked to breeds that make you wonder how they got there, like 90% of pugs hate their nails being done, cocker spaniels piddle when you say hi and big dogs don't like their tails brushed. After 15 years I don't really have favorite breeds but I do have favorite dogs, and as long as it needs a haircut it's not so much the length as it is the condition and what the owner wants done. It has it's good and bad points but animals are much easier to work with than people most days.


Thanks for reading and voting on my story.  There is one more completed story, one I just started, a side story, and a fan fic in the same universe.


@sisser Thank you for the compliment.  It really means a great deal when one of my readers says that.  I am working on the third DGYT for pub right now though it will probably be at the end of December before it is done.  It is named The Temple.  I am close to being done with The Mate Rejection Thang for pub as well though I am going to rename it.


@maxd01 I read all the dgyt and the first silver moon. I actually first read dgyt a smashwords, I read the first free and bought the second I very rarely buy an ebook I have about 1500 and maybe 10 or so I paid for so you know I really liked it


Thanks for the follow sisser, I'm glad you are enjoying my story 'The Keeper', it was my first attempt at writing a book. I have several others posted as well, if you'd like to check them out the first one is 'Not Quite Human'. Le me know if you like it?