
Done with AU stuff along with Wattpad. I'll still be around I'm not really quitting, I'm just no longer doing AU stuff. Read my post for context
          	Probably gonna be my last post on Wattpad


@IsleofPigsStudios I know, but I don't remeber Skibby saying it was still going or f it was cancelled, but now I think it is still going on.


@SuePodgorski The Decay Remaster won’t be a Sodor AU.


@skizmophrenic Also you never mentioned the Decay remaster in the post. I assume it is on the backburner and was forgettion, please tell me if I'm wrong.


Done with AU stuff along with Wattpad. I'll still be around I'm not really quitting, I'm just no longer doing AU stuff. Read my post for context
          Probably gonna be my last post on Wattpad


@IsleofPigsStudios I know, but I don't remeber Skibby saying it was still going or f it was cancelled, but now I think it is still going on.


@SuePodgorski The Decay Remaster won’t be a Sodor AU.


@skizmophrenic Also you never mentioned the Decay remaster in the post. I assume it is on the backburner and was forgettion, please tell me if I'm wrong.


Merry Christmas everyon!!!!
          Got this for ya today (just check my stories its there), it's only the first two parts because I've had a problem for like half of December so I couldn't really write much. So I'll finish the rest today and drop that last part later tonight. Oh also, this confirms the new title of Outlawed
          One more thing, I decided I'm changing my name to Skizmophrenic. Lowkey I don't mind if I'm still called Skibby, but if y'all could change that up to skizmo or something that'd be swag. I'll change in a few days so people see this and know who I am.
          And one other thing, there will be multiple little stories like this until the new full story comes out. Think of them as demos, but they'll give you something to read until we finish production on everything and give some insights to the setting. I'll go into more detail about that in a future post, don't wanna keep you all for too long 
          Again Merry Christmasss!!!!!!!! :3


@skizmophrenic Permission to update your wiki page with the new username? Or shall I leave it as is?


@skizmophrenic I'll read it Monday because why not. Also merry Christmas.


Released a new story in my HC book :3

          I also delisted two of the other ones as they aren't really my best work, I could do a lot better. Besides, the Roxanne story feels edgy in retrospect... At least to me


@xSkibby How is the Roxanne story edgy. Also thought garbage picker diesel's story was nice, what was wrong with that.


So I have more questions about the new face stayle.
          How is it more realistic.
          How will it look on characters like Toby and Diesel since they don't have smokebox doors(I think that's what the face is)


@xSkibby Okay. By the way I see you talking about me in the au wiki group chat. Sorry if I blew up your inbox, I just had questions. I'll try to stop non unless you say anything to me after I post this.


I think of dark AUs negatively because none of them ever get anything right. All of the characters don't feel like the characters, they make the stupidest choices possible just so the story can keep going on, they always die from stuff they wouldn't die from mostly being crashes, many times the plot and disaster make no sense at all. I don't care about the scars and stuff, it's just boring asf to see the engines always being so beaten up for no reason other than shock value. The only AUs that I enjoy that are actually good are Crane's AUs because he can actually write the characters and make the plot make sense.


@xSkibby Also I know you said something about you not doing au's anymore, but do you think more negatiffly of au's with the faces being the white ones that get scars, My opinon's on them have not changed because of that, but I just want to ask you.