thanks for adding the letter to your library! when you do read it in the future, i hope you enjoy it! xx please comment, it's not so much the vote and fan thingy that i want, i just really like to get feedback on what went well and how i could improve.
just to let u know, the letter's kind-of on hold. i have the storyline planned, it's just not historically accurate. i wasd thinking of transforming it into a dystopia during the 2nd civil war which mirrors the first but noone seems to notice. that way i could have big houses, the rich/poor divide, the king's execution etc but still have the stuff that wouldn't fit in stuart times. anyway, thank you!
and i like your quote! from the ashes of disaster grow the roses of sucess- at least i think that's how it goes...;) xxx
(and sorry, the capitals on my computer don't always work on wattpad...)