hi! were Estelle and emma castleton. were both pure-blood twins. the meanst of all the slytherins. because we are slytherin. we like: -Anime, Books, Chocolate frogs, Draco, Emphasizing our greatness, F*cking with gryffindors, hating on the lower ranks (hufflepuff), jelly beans (burtie bots every flavourd beans), making potions, no one else but us (and draco), quidditch, snakes, threating people, video games, weasly products, death, and your mom. we do Q&A's, requests, drarry & dramione fanfics and many others, just ask.
- hogwarts, slytherin house
- انضمApril 30, 2015
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قصص بقلم Estelle & Emma Castleton
- 2 قصص منشورة