
Hey everyone, I just uploaded a new cover for Black Sam, just wanted to see what you thought.


Hi there. I'm brand spanking new to the Wattpad community and thought I'd start to introduce myself. I'm currently working on my first novel (second writing, first one was a screenplay) project and have uploaded the first parts already. By the look of it, my story, Son Of The Seas looks very similar to your Black Sam. Thats why I thought of approaching you first. Feel free to check it out. Anyway, just wanted to  knock on my new neighbor's door and say hi. 


@BarryVosloo  hi Barry! Yes I'll check out Son Of The Seas. Thanks for saying hi.


I haven't read Black Sam in years and yet, when I turned back it was like I only read it last week. Everything just flows so well, the adventure, friendship and romance all intertwine in one massive story. 
          I hope sometime this week to write a review on Amazon (I saw the link at the end of the chapter.) 
          Meepy :) 


@MeepyM thank you Meepy, so glad to hear that. It's okay if you don't leave a review. It just makes me happy when people enjoy it.


I've just began your story and it's quite good. I can't wait to read further. 


@RyleeBryant101 Of course. You're welcome.


@RyleeBryant101 Thank you for reading, I'm happy you are enjoying it.


Hey Mr McLeod, I just wanted to say that I am really enjoying Black Sam. It's memorable, interesting and I love how you incorporate sub plots as well your main plots to create a story. In addition, I can really feel the love of history you have and add into your story. Anyway, I just wanted to say this because of the last few chapters you uploaded, and I read. I enjoyed them a lot, and thanks for sharing such an amazing story.