it don't make no sense less im doing it with you
  • shawns bed
  • InscritJuly 6, 2013

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smhmendes smhmendes Dec 03, 2017 12:27AM
Y’all I’m back. I’m here. I’m back from the dead. Is Wattpad still a thing?
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Histoires par bby b
Ride;m.espinosa par smhmendes
"Look it's like this no emotions, no relationship, just sex. ONLY SEX." "Oh god this is going...
Lost;s.mendes par smhmendes
It's okay to be lost sometimes,but for now you're lost with me. *time jump*
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r u awake?;c.dallas par smhmendes
r u awake?;c.dallas
From cameron: r u awake? In which a boy and girl are in a strictly late relationship. Idea from @-cartahh
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