
Rest in peace Matthew Perry


I can't believe it we live in the 21st century and racism towards another race is getting worse and worse instead of us all being equal.
          It doesn't matter if you are from Asia or an African American or and even that you are part of the LGBT we are human beings.
          These people were killed out of hatred because they are from Asia, but they live and work in America.
           Not all people are racist and evil, only those whites who think they are the best and smartest and that all other races don't matter and have respect for other races and cultures and go educate yourself and think before you go hate and kill others.
          To all the people who have been attacked and scared I want to say that I hear you and that I will fight for you and for your rights and for the rights of all people to equality.
          You have a voice to shout, don't be silent because innocent people lose their lives because of their skin color do not turn your back on evil and injustice, only god or  whatever   you  believe can judge.
           We are fighting for a better tomorrow.
          My heart and my prayers are with families and loved ones
          of those killed in the mass shooting.


Hvala ti što si moj Zov vode dodala na svoju reading listu!  <3 <3 <3


@EminaRus Hvala ti na razumjevanju


@SnakePrincess20 Tek sam ti jučer napisala, tako da se nemaš zašto ispričavati. 
            Nadam se da će se familijarni problemi koje imaš uspjeti riješiti i da će sve biti dobro. Pozz


@EminaRus tek sam sada vidjela da si mi nesto napisala i nema na cemu jos jednom oprosti sta ti tek sada odgovaram imam nekih familijalnih problema pa tako