
@KayleighTomlinson91 I'm reading it! :) I need to know what happens next. You can't just stop when they kiss!! Love you too! Miss you so much. I'll tell Sophia you miss her at school next week. :) Xx


I've done it! I've updated my stories! I'm so, so sorry for anyone who's waited an extended period of time for this to happen. I've just been so busy lately, with swimming 3 times a day to 5 hour naps to boys to end of school year crap and ugh. Everything. I've just about had it with boys. I will try, no promises this time, because I really don't like making promises I can't keep and I feel like crap for breaking those deadline promises, but I'll try to get both IHTFTILY and IHIAMG by let's say... end of next month -ish. Have a great day everyone! And sleep is good. I've been deprived of it lately.


Im SO SO SO SO SO sorry for not uploading IHTFTILY or IHIAMG in FOREVER. I will get to it. I've just been SO busy lately, and I've barely been getting any sleep as it is, and it's the end of the school year, and all of my crappy techers are giving me PROJECTS that I'm supposed to be working on, and swimming, and soccer, and ugh. EVERYTHING. I am SO sorry. Once school is over, (Two weeks, One not counting this week) I will be updating all of my stories. I Promise. :) Please bare with me for a bit. I love you all!