
this message may be offensive
i forgot about my stories sjdhdjjdd ill work on some in a minute but until then you can check out (if you have facebook) genderfluid fun where me and my system (mainly deku and toga) post stupid shit


@softlemonaid speaking of external platforms, I has discord


this message may be offensive
i forgot about my stories sjdhdjjdd ill work on some in a minute but until then you can check out (if you have facebook) genderfluid fun where me and my system (mainly deku and toga) post stupid shit


@softlemonaid speaking of external platforms, I has discord


To fall in love with an author 
          Is a death sentence
          They know how to work words and evoke emotion
          They can figure out what you need and what you want 
          And they’ll do it
          Some of them use that against you
          Others use it in your favour 
          Authors are used to figuring out what their audiences like
          So it’s not hard for them so see every part of you
          Another thing
          We as authors are good at making up stories, no?
          We can paint you a world so vivid and perfect that you can’t help but fall
          Never trust an author
          They will hurt you in the end
          I thought this might fit the theme of writing. Anyhow I’m going to go work on a story now. - Benus the rat 


Hey guys, I know I haven’t published in a long time but I’m trying to balance writing and drawing (instagram is softlemonaid) and my own mental health. My brother (ftm) is now pregnant too, so I’m helping him and planning an escape incase it gets unsafe for them. We (me, the mom, and the dad) are all putting the baby first but we will be safe if anything happens. I will keep you guys updated. Thanks for sticking with me. - Benus the rat 


Hey guys! Would anyone be interested in an UnderFell book? I'm kinda basing it off a roleplay I'm doing so it might be shitty. Also I'm working on two or three books off and on and I'm going to work on them more and set up an updating schedule, so expect that in the near-ish future. Bye, see ya in another life!


Here’s my situation: the ice cream is frozen as hell so I have to warm it. I choose to warm the spoon bc that’s easier (not really, I don’t know why I chose that course of action. So I got this candle we have. Now I have to light it. I look everywhere for a lighter/matches, but there are none. So I’m in the kitchen. We have a stove and cinnamon. That didn’t work (but it smelled like cinnamon only and slightly like burn). So I found paper. I turned the sink on and rolled up the paper. I put it under the fire and waited. When it caught a little I ran over to the candle lit it and ran to the sink to put the paper out. Warmth object done. Now I just warmed the spoon and got my ice cream. When I was done I blew the candle out and put it back. Easy and not at all harder than it should have been.