
I think it's a new tradition to log in here (once I remember I have the account) and give a little update. 
          	Im heading into my final year of college! can I just say though, I have nightmare stories of my first two years in college - like I could write a master doc LMAO. 
          	I'm still happily in a relationship with my amazing partner as mentioned previously from 2 years ago. and I didn't even realize it was two years on the dot OMG. 
          	Im going on 3 years of dating my s/o and because my family will never see this: we are happily engaged as of a few months ago! 
          	So many new things and so much tea to spill. If only 2016 me could have known what was in store for 2024 me. WOW. I would NOT believe it. 
          	Sometimes I do wish my old online friends could be here to see this.. but I am no longer in contact with them as of 2020 due to a falling out. I know nobody will read this but I love giving myself random things to log back into and see. Dont know if ill keep in touch until another 2 years from now but I hope to at least be stalking around over the summer til my final year rolls around. 
          	Might lowkey use this as an outlet to get me THROUGH. LMAOO


I think it's a new tradition to log in here (once I remember I have the account) and give a little update. 
          Im heading into my final year of college! can I just say though, I have nightmare stories of my first two years in college - like I could write a master doc LMAO. 
          I'm still happily in a relationship with my amazing partner as mentioned previously from 2 years ago. and I didn't even realize it was two years on the dot OMG. 
          Im going on 3 years of dating my s/o and because my family will never see this: we are happily engaged as of a few months ago! 
          So many new things and so much tea to spill. If only 2016 me could have known what was in store for 2024 me. WOW. I would NOT believe it. 
          Sometimes I do wish my old online friends could be here to see this.. but I am no longer in contact with them as of 2020 due to a falling out. I know nobody will read this but I love giving myself random things to log back into and see. Dont know if ill keep in touch until another 2 years from now but I hope to at least be stalking around over the summer til my final year rolls around. 
          Might lowkey use this as an outlet to get me THROUGH. LMAOO


So.. it's definitely been a while. Nobody will probably read this but, it's really cool to see how far one of my fanfics has come. Even when i'm gone from this place for years at a time - you guys still enjoy IT just as much as I did when I was a younger teen. I'm currently in college - so my time is pretty limited when i'm in school as well as working on off days. Now that i'm older, my motivation for fan fiction writing has dwindled - but I appreciate all of the writers and stories that kept me up all night and entertained for hours. Much love to everyone out there who has fanned out over some amazing fandoms I was a part of such as Stranger Things, The Walking Dead, IT and many more. You all were awesome! 
          I would absolutely love to go back and revise the old stories i've written but in all honesty - I want to keep them the way they are. They're like little time capsules into the life that was once a young Spiff, trying to navigate the world through sitting in their room all day and chatting with their online friends. I've now gotten a chance to gain more friends in real life with similar interests as me as well as an amazing partner! 
          But this will always be roots - and I will always appreciate where I came from. 
          Stay snazzy to all those from the past who still dwell here and to all the new friends who come along the way. 
          With that, I bid you goodnight and rather than a goodbye... see you around.


Ahhhhhh 4K reads on “Hidden” Thank you guys so mucchhhhh 


2021 ... over 25k...


Almost one year ago I celebrated 4K and we’re on 8k