
          	Hi everyone! As some of you may know: I have been very inactive on here recently… I’m going to just straight up say it.
          	I am thinking of moving platforms, yes I know, I really don’t want to but it’s easier because I will get more recognition for my work here. Don’t worry! I’m not deleting the app at all, I just won’t be using it as often anymore if you want to read my stories you can follow me on archive of our own to see what stories I get up to! This isn’t goodbye only I am moving platforms to help get my writing recognised! I love you guys so much, I hope you guys understand!


          Hi everyone! As some of you may know: I have been very inactive on here recently… I’m going to just straight up say it.
          I am thinking of moving platforms, yes I know, I really don’t want to but it’s easier because I will get more recognition for my work here. Don’t worry! I’m not deleting the app at all, I just won’t be using it as often anymore if you want to read my stories you can follow me on archive of our own to see what stories I get up to! This isn’t goodbye only I am moving platforms to help get my writing recognised! I love you guys so much, I hope you guys understand!


{Beautiful Person Award}
                        Once you get this award, you’re 
                    supposed to paste it on the wall of 8
                     people who deserve it. If you break 
                 this chain, nothing will happen, but it’s 
                      nice to know that someone thinks 
                        you’re beautiful inside and out!


Hello readers..... how are you?
          Me: wants to die!!
          I am crying while writing this (not crying almost)
          I just got out of the most one-sided friendships....
          With someone I really considered a friend... that friend and I.... had fallen out before, so we took a break… And re-friended after about four months… I am broken and shattered… I gave that person all of my love… And they didn’t see me in the background....
          :( I don’t really really know what to do anymore.....
          That’s all I’m going to say


@sparklemiller BFF, please be okay...Love you!


@sparklemiller I am sorry this person was what they call a fear weather friend.  It is tough for anyone when this happens.  I have had a few myself and learned over the years that it is part of life.  A stinky part, but it is how it goes.  I am sorry you had to go through this sort of thing.


@sparklemiller I know I live far away from you, but I am not mad at you.