Mint choco walks in with a michevious grin, THUNDER YOU TELLING THIS STORY OR AM I im sorry my little Herb go on Mint choco says it looks like rain.. WHY DID HE TELL USSSS in doing so he floods my brain..☹LILAC GET THE UMBRELLAAAMarried in a HURRICANEEE what a joyous day but anyway WE DONT TALK ABOUR MINT CHOCO NO NO NO W DONT TALK ABOUT MINT CHOCOhey grew to live in fear on mc stuttering or idk thenwords so skip this ibr A 4 FOOT 1 FRAME Violins along his back when he skits at Herb Sparkling starts to crack yeah he's sees your dreams and feasts on herbs screams WE DONT TALK ABOUT MINT CHOCO NO NO NO WE DONT TALK ABOUR MINT CHOCOOO he told me my fish would die the next day dead no no he told me I'd lose my crystals and just like he said he said that all my cookies would dissappear now look at all of themmm NO ur fate is sealed when your prophecy is read, He told me that he was gay and not tell anyone because he's gay for lilaaaacc... he told me that my power would grow like deez nuts