Hey guys, KillerChaos here. I know its been awhile since I've updated my books. Right now I'm just trying to write more, but I can't. I just went through a breakup with my girlfriend. She told me that she still loved me but right now wasn't the best time, I understood that. Last night I told her I missed and loved her. I missed us texting every night, playing video games together. She said she will still text and play games with me, but she said she can't love me. I don't get what I did wrong. I've also been losing sleep, I was up for over 30 hours and all I could do was think. I've failed. Failed at being a best friend, girlfriend, cousin, daughter, and I've failed you guys, all of my readers. As I am writing this it is 1:24 AM, and I can't sleep, I can't stop thinking. I'm sorry. This is KillerChaos signing off.