
Lol I fixed my account problem, you don’t have to go follow the other account!


hey everyone! i am almost done with the new chapter of jinkies! and i wanted to let you know i didn't forget about it, just getting over this chapter so i can write the next one (which i have mapped out pretty well)!!!! it should be up tomorrow or the next day! thanks!


hey guys!!!
          so, I have a quick question for you all!
          I just published the new story I’m working on, bronze, and it features a poc as our lead character because I see a great lack of that in the twilight fanfiction world. however, I am VERY WHITE and I feel like I’m unqualified to write about another cultures experience because I am a white person and I’ve only ever seen things through my eyes, being that I have privilege because of my skin color. so, I’d like to know if 
          A. You’d like me to continue and try to create this world around Alma Cullen
          B. Change my character to someone else because of my worry about portraying Alma and her culture correctly. 
          Please let me know, much love to you all!
          - Danni