
chapter twenty two is up now! wattpad is being an absolute b*tch at the moment but it’s up and waiting for you <3


Hi, please know that I am very aware that I’m probably about to sound a little crazy, but just bare with me, I have genuine reasons for asking & I will absolutely respect whatever your answer will be of course, but for some reason I’ve gotten especially invested in this story & I know that it’s already awful what he’s been doing…but for very personal reasons, would you be willing to tell me, privately of course, if things between he & Amber go any further than it already has? If it does, I may need to tap out because that’s just something I’m not sure if I’m going to be comfortable reading about it. And please know that I really do respect that this is your story, your vision & you should 100% be proud of what you’re making because you are an incredible writer…I just personally don’t think it’s an area I am ready to go in right now. I know it’s like asking if I can just hop ahead to the epilogue to make sure everything works out the way that I hope it does and I get that…maybe just a little hint that I may need to hold off for a bit if it’s going in a direction I’m afraid it will. I sound ridiculous I know, just thought I’d at least ask. 


If you message me on Twitter I can explain a little more!


Hey! I don’t know if it is okey with you to promote my fanfic here, so if you want to delete this because you think it’s disrespectful, that’s more then okey! It’s a Harry Styles fan fic. It only has two chapters because I just started but i still wanted to see if maybe someone would already want to take a look at it! ❤️