
@badbleep_00 Hi! That "completed" list is actually just the books that I have personally finished reading. I don't like to read too many ongoing stories at a time so once I get to whenever the author last updated I just stop reading. I only really keep unfinished books in my ongoing list if I am extremely interested in them. I keep maximum 5 books in my ongoing list at a time haha.


ok i was just checking your reading lists and saw MY story on your "so good" list! this honestly shocked me because you have manacled on your list and that story is in a completely different league. it was just *chef's kiss* so i just wanted to thank you for even considering for my story to be good :)


@bubblingbutterbeer oh PLEASE your story is so good manacled may be an absolute masterpiece but your story is just as amazing and well written! no problemo every bit of your story deserves to be on that list because its amazing I legit read the entire thing in one sitting <3