
Do you know all the profiles the Ambassadors actually run and manage between them, and which languages are covered? Well, check out the profiles that fall into our Romance profile family and next month, we'll point you all in the direction of one of our other families!


          How are you?
          I hope you are safe where you are.
          Thank you for adding When You Heal to your reading list.
           I still have the tag, but I didn't qualify from round one, so you don't need to bother yourself with it.
          Thank you anyway, it made me happy.
          Have a good day :)


I liked your story just by looking at the cover and reading the first few paragraphs! You’re doing an amazing job! 
            I wish you all the best❤️


February is Black History Month on Wattpad. For too long, too many Black voices have been silenced. At a time when Black people continue to be disproportionately impacted by racially-motivated violence, police brutality, and mass incarceration… at a time when white supremacy continues to create barriers to education, healthcare, and creative outlets, it’s more important than ever to acknowledge, honour, and celebrate the passion, creativity, and transformative beauty of Black storytelling.
          Each week Wattpad will introduce a fresh theme and reading list, and there’s more information on the Community Happenings Page here - - to help you discover and enjoy more great Black writers from around the world. These will include:
          Black Stories Matter - Celebrating the stories created by writers of the Black diaspora across Wattpad.  lived experiences from across the Wattpad platform. 
          Black Love - Shining a light on Black love stories in every form. 
          Black Girl Magic - Honouring the beauty and power of Black girls and womxn. 
          Black Pride - Lifting up LGBTQIA+ voices from within the Black community.”
          Black storytellers have pioneered the tradition of sharing through the spoken and written word, and during Black History Month, we celebrate and honour the storytellers who, today, are continuing that tradition on Wattpad. 
          Want more? Please join us on the Community Happenings Page.


          Hi folks, 
          Submissions to join the Ambassador program's next batch of training in late February/early March are now open. If you're interested in joining training please do get your submission in soon. There's some more information on the program here: - and also a submissions form if you'd like to let us know you're interested in the program.
          Please make sure you take your time filling that in, but if you have any questions about the Ambassador Program, feel free to Private Message Gavin - @theorangutan - who manages the Ambassadors.
          Good luck to all our applicants. The next training session will be in late February/early March, 2021.