life is CRAZY right now, i’m the busiest i’ve ever been, however all my friends leave to go back to their home countries for good next week so you know what that means…. updates!!
life is CRAZY right now, i’m the busiest i’ve ever been, however all my friends leave to go back to their home countries for good next week so you know what that means…. updates!!
gonna be taking a small break from social media because life is kicking me whilst i’m already down so i apologise in advance for no new chapters or edits.
i’m not sure when i’ll be back but ily all.
@stairwayt0hell it’s completely up to you, i know everyone will understand if you choose to stop-i love your writing but i wouldn’t want you to feel like you have to continue something you have no motivation for. i know if you choose to stop writing, keep the ending or change it depending on how you feel you’ll be supported