
Hey there, thanks for the vote, i am the author to the myth : drought and prosperity, so i came to ask what do you think of the story so far ?


@JackWSchnee  that's fine honestly, as long as you enjoy what you're writing im sure your story will go far. As for the English not being your native language, I could tell to put quite frank; but I like how you're trying to write the story in English, I can't wait to see what happens next. Just don't give up, you got this, JackWSchnee


@starbolt360 i'm glad that you enjoy it thus far, though i am not a native english speaker and i actually had a lot of the volume planned for how this story goes
            I must say it will be more than just one book thats for sure but it wont be the same character all the time


Hello, and welcome to Wattpad! 
          Thank you so much for adding “GG” to your reading list! ❣️
          I hope you will enjoy Una’s adventures ☺️!
          If you like romance too, consider reading Mind the Gap first! It’s my more popular book and the best one I have ever written!
          Cheers, and have a wonderful day!


@EvelynHail hey Elveyn
            Its a pleasure to talk to you, I'm not a fan of the romance genre but I will check out your story. You seem like a very kind person, I mean no one has ever messaged me due to me putting a book into my library, but I hope you have a nice day too, keep up the good work and always remain kind, your kindness will return to you someday.
            Best wishes,
            Ps. Have a nice day