Assalamualikum and hello to everyone! I missed you all
I feel like a grandma who’s logging on to Wattpad for the first time because everything feels different lol (even though I’m pretty sure most grandmas have never even heard of Wattpad).
It feels like ages since I’ve written something over here (or commented on any of the books) and so much has changed, many stories which inspired me, have vanished and some friends I had made, have deleted Wattpad. But I hope they’re doing well wherever they are :) And I hope all of you are doing great as well too, mentally and physically (my inbox is always open if anyone wants to talk).
I’d be looking forward to re-reading some of my all time favourite books and would love to discover some more good books when I have the time to. So if anyone has any recommendations (preferably, spiritual/crime/murder mystery/humour/books which aren’t mature), I’d be happy if you’d let me know.
Lastly, please take care of yourselves, be safe and never forget to be kind to everyone, because you never know what the person in front of you is going through <33
Have a great day/night :)