
Ok, it seems like my last post (Of a couple days ago) has been taken down cause someone might have misinterpret it as me wanting to 'delete' myself, for lack of better terms. 
          	First off, thank you for your concern, but it wasn't about that. I just decided to start over on my social media pages, that's all. It is in fact true that life's been rough, but that's just it. That's life, there's ups and downs. I was just having one of the downs for a couple months. Now that I'm better, I decided to start over fresh.
          	Again, thank you for your concern, but I'm physically and mentally okay.


Ok, it seems like my last post (Of a couple days ago) has been taken down cause someone might have misinterpret it as me wanting to 'delete' myself, for lack of better terms. 
          First off, thank you for your concern, but it wasn't about that. I just decided to start over on my social media pages, that's all. It is in fact true that life's been rough, but that's just it. That's life, there's ups and downs. I was just having one of the downs for a couple months. Now that I'm better, I decided to start over fresh.
          Again, thank you for your concern, but I'm physically and mentally okay.


Disappeared for a couple months only to reappear once more, huh? ^^; 
          Surely I am not fit for this online thing, am I? 8D 
          Nah, just taking care of my well being above all else, really. Anyway, swung by to check where I left on the TF story. Watched Transformers one last night, and suffice to say it left a little bit of inspiration behind. Or maybe it just made me want to give OP a hug whenever I see him brooding ^^; 
          Poor dude. I still feel like I understand for Megatron too now. Not that I condone what he does or attempts to do. (Being an evil bad guy.)
          He's actually a pretty descent person when being a good guy. (I read up on canonical the times he's been a good guy. So not completely unfamiliar to that side of him either.) OP being a miner instead of a data clerk sorta made me do a double take, but not for long, since Orion Pax had worked at the docks at some point in Gen 1. The story needed to establish a well understood friendship between Orion and D-16 for the audience, and I feel they did it right. OP being a total goofy idiot, (but a very smart and brave one) gave him a new breath of life that made sense. Optimus used to be young and inexperienced too and I feel like I needed to see that at some point. (Before he became any kind of leader.) Elita One though, Kinda confused me for a bit, since I know she went Ariel first. But Ariel sounds too human of a name for an alien robot. I get where that comes from. Especially when it came to certain easter eggs. Gonna keep quiet on those so you guys can spot em. XD
          They fly by at breakneck speeds though, but beautifully executed, almost seamless. (Unless you're well versed in TF lore.) Anyways, better shut up now, else I'll keep going on forever. XD







