
Do you ever feel that no matter how hard you try to be nice to people despite them being buttheads and then anyways they don't notice and take advantage of your friendship. The think that you have no problems and that whole world is about them. Well its not. They think everything is funny. And with every smile you give them your heart is being stabbed a thousand times because u notice that they don't really notice. And when you ask someone how they are doin and then they don't even ask you the same. And I'm not saying all of my friends are like that. Most of them are nice. And no matter how hard you try to understand them they keep shutting you out and slamming the door in your face even though you've opened all of your. And they act like noticing fazes them and the world is a piece of s*it. Like they don't give a crap, but you know that they are sad for the rest of the world ignoring them. It just upsets me at how hard I try to make my friends happy and a few of them can be very hurtful. And then they act as if I DID something. AS IF I NEED TO TALK TO THEM. AS IF I NEED THEM. I DONT. I HAVE A CRUSH. I HAVE A BEST FRIEND. AND A GREAT SCHOOL. AMAZING TEACHERS AND NEIGHBORS. A GREAT CHANCE AT LIFE. AND THAT PERSON IS PULLING ME BACK. WELL I DONT CARE. GO AHEAD BLOCK YOUR SKYPE AND ALL OF YOUR ACCOUNTS. IM DONE BEING NICE. IM SICK OF IT. LISTENING TO YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT THE WORLD NOT LIKING YOU AND YET YOU DO NOTHING TO CHANGE THT. I DONT LIKE YOU. HAVENT LIKED YOU. I JUST FELT SORRY FOR YOU. YOU JUST WALK ALL OVER ME. DONT COME APOLOGIZING LIKE YOU USED TO. DONT I DONT CARE. YOU KNOW WHAT. MASON YOUR "BEST FRIEND" DOESNT THINK OF YOU TO WELL EITHER. YOU KNOW WHY? I DO. WELL LIKE YOU SAID YOU DONT GIVE A S*IT ABOUT THE WORLD. okay sorry all my followers for including you. But if you all have had same or similar experience please share. I really need to talk to someone now


@Bjanga he is ugly. And dumb. And he thinks he's sooo great..  But everyone hates him


@Bjanga yup. I hate him


Do you ever feel that no matter how hard you try to be nice to people despite them being buttheads and then anyways they don't notice and take advantage of your friendship. The think that you have no problems and that whole world is about them. Well its not. They think everything is funny. And with every smile you give them your heart is being stabbed a thousand times because u notice that they don't really notice. And when you ask someone how they are doin and then they don't even ask you the same. And I'm not saying all of my friends are like that. Most of them are nice. And no matter how hard you try to understand them they keep shutting you out and slamming the door in your face even though you've opened all of your. And they act like noticing fazes them and the world is a piece of s*it. Like they don't give a crap, but you know that they are sad for the rest of the world ignoring them. It just upsets me at how hard I try to make my friends happy and a few of them can be very hurtful. And then they act as if I DID something. AS IF I NEED TO TALK TO THEM. AS IF I NEED THEM. I DONT. I HAVE A CRUSH. I HAVE A BEST FRIEND. AND A GREAT SCHOOL. AMAZING TEACHERS AND NEIGHBORS. A GREAT CHANCE AT LIFE. AND THAT PERSON IS PULLING ME BACK. WELL I DONT CARE. GO AHEAD BLOCK YOUR SKYPE AND ALL OF YOUR ACCOUNTS. IM DONE BEING NICE. IM SICK OF IT. LISTENING TO YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT THE WORLD NOT LIKING YOU AND YET YOU DO NOTHING TO CHANGE THT. I DONT LIKE YOU. HAVENT LIKED YOU. I JUST FELT SORRY FOR YOU. YOU JUST WALK ALL OVER ME. DONT COME APOLOGIZING LIKE YOU USED TO. DONT I DONT CARE. YOU KNOW WHAT. MASON YOUR "BEST FRIEND" DOESNT THINK OF YOU TO WELL EITHER. YOU KNOW WHY? I DO. WELL LIKE YOU SAID YOU DONT GIVE A S*IT ABOUT THE WORLD. okay sorry all my followers for including you. But if you all have had same or similar experience please share. I really need to talk to someone now


@Bjanga he is ugly. And dumb. And he thinks he's sooo great..  But everyone hates him


@Bjanga yup. I hate him


You know I just hate people who when they dont get the info from you tht they want, they throw a temper tantrum and block you or delete their account. I believe those kinda people are selfish jerks and abunch of other words tht I shouldn't use. Well it just shows how mature they are and what their mentality is. Does anyone else agree with me? Please comment if u do or not