Halo, ini Via.
Terima kasih sudah datang <3
  • InscritFebruary 10, 2021

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strawberrygallantry strawberrygallantry Sep 01, 2022 04:12PM
how lucky to be a person who get your attention, who get your love, who get your pure love. how i try hard to be them, i still cant to be them. cause i just realised that, you never see me as a perso...
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Histoire par Viaaa
Senandika | Thread of Ficlet | kth.jjk par strawberrygallantry
Senandika | Thread of Ficlet | kth...
[25 Days Ficlet Challenge] senandika /se•nan•di•ka/ n wacana seorang tokoh dalam karya susastra dengan diriny...
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