
Even though you may not feel like it now, you matter. Even if you feel like you are not loved, there's always that one person in the world that will love you no matter what. If you feel like ending it all, know that you'll never get to experience the gift that you'll receive if you just hold on. Through all trials life gives you, know that each trial is unique to you, because YOU are special. YOU are loved. And YOU, yes you, matter. So don't ever go saying that you don't matter and no one loves you because I and many other people would go to the ends of the earth and beyond to make sure you are happy and well. Now do something for me and remember this, when you're feeling low or you just want to share this with someone that's having a bad time. So please spread a moment of positivity to your message board. #PositivityPost Thank you and have a nice day. <3


Even though you may not feel like it now, you matter. Even if you feel like you are not loved, there's always that one person in the world that will love you no matter what. If you feel like ending it all, know that you'll never get to experience the gift that you'll receive if you just hold on. Through all trials life gives you, know that each trial is unique to you, because YOU are special. YOU are loved. And YOU, yes you, matter. So don't ever go saying that you don't matter and no one loves you because I and many other people would go to the ends of the earth and beyond to make sure you are happy and well. Now do something for me and remember this, when you're feeling low or you just want to share this with someone that's having a bad time. So please spread a moment of positivity to your message board. #PositivityPost Thank you and have a nice day. <3