Any Maze Runner fans PLEASE message me! I'd love to obsess about the series together!
  • انضمMay 13, 2018

قصص بقلم sunchuey
Unleashing the Spark بقلم sunchuey
Unleashing the Spark
Aliza, a young and poor girl in Kalos. She lives in a tiny village where only a few people live as they all s...
Short stories (sometimes with art) بقلم sunchuey
Short stories (sometimes with art)
Different short writing pieces I've created, maybe accompanied with a drawing I've done. You can expect some...
TMR fanfic wip بقلم sunchuey
TMR fanfic wip
Supposed to be unpublished but I wanted to give some sort of update and show people what I'm working on. It's...
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