I'm just a weird girl,who love food and reading wattpad so much💁‍♂️

💔6.7.2019 forever missing💔

💜Descendants and Cameron💜

💓LITTLE Mix fan since 2013😍
  • london
  • InscritJuly 17, 2017

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sunnybea sunnybea Oct 14, 2019 06:11PM
I want to improve my Spanish, is there anyone who wants to chat with me?
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Histoires par Archie sixpack❤️
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@jackgilinsky has replied to your comment. Original's from : @pezzedwards_4502 I'm just translating it.
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@alexoxchamberlain liked your post @alexoxchamberlain started following you
ranking #811 dans la catégorie jadethirlwall Voir tous les classements
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