
Chapter 15: A Little More Control for Dragon Slayer Hero is out right now!!!❤️❤️❤️<3
          	Sunny ☀️ 


Hey readers,
          I apologize for the lack of updates in the last month. I recently started a new job that pretty much takes up my whole day and I’m always super tired after and thus lack the motivation to write. I finished the rough draft of the new Dragon Slayer Hero chapter so expect an update soon!!❤️❤️
          Sunny ☀️ 


Take ur time bestie ❤️❤️


For my LadyXHuntress readers and Oblivious To Love readers, I just want to inform you that I’ll be putting both stories on hiatus until further notice. This summer, I really want to focus on my My Hero Academia fanfiction as well as my crossover, and once I feel I’m able to have a somewhat consistent updating schedule for those books, I’ll work my way back to updating four stories and start working on LadyXHuntress and Obvious To Love again.
          Thank you for your understanding,
          Sunny ☀️