
@Camicala23 oh HELL YES, ahahaha. HELL YES. Thanks for the awesome ass support. 


Hiya! :) please read SEE YOU SOON, GOODBYE i just wrote it please comment or vote suggest anything :) here are previews and im willing to return the favor :)
          See You Soon,Goodbye
          with that words two persons fell in love and they knew that love is patient.
          And this story will turn out to things that will leave you wondering what will happen next.
          hope you all like it please :)
          the more you comment and vote the more you inspire me to write wonderful things to happen
          i have a lot in mind for this story so please support me
          thank you :)
          PREVIEWS :
          I want to be with a man who would love me for who I am, who would always be with me in times when I needed him the most. And not a guy who gets what he wants and leaves me. The kind of guy that will tell me I'm beautiful even without make up. That's the kind of guy I was looking for, the guy of guy I would fall in love with.
          And luckily I found one. On the summer of 2008, we were at Dublin. I met Keith, Keith Lucas Butler. An Irish guy, he was the guy I fell in love with. He cared for me, he loved me so much.
          there :) hope you read it thanks 


          Could you please check out my book called Conjured? I've uploaded chapter four and it could really use your eyes. Please vote, comment and fan if you like it. Thanks for your valuable time.


hey hey
          could you please check out one of my stories (or more, if you'd like to), preferably either Z-Day, Sarah Serenity, or Invader.. 
          there's descriptions of all my stories on my profile except for invader (i ran out of room.. heh) 
          basically, it takes place in the year 2017 after a world wide alien invasion that wiped out most of the planet, and it's about an 18 year old girl named Evey who's trying to keep herself and her younger brother and cousin alive while still blending in with the race of aliens that colonized the planet.. i'm not very far along in the story just yet but i have a few chapters, so if you'd like to check it out it would be really appreciated(:
          and if aliens aren't really your thing, i also have stories about demons, zombies, and vampires (not really the whole "i'm in love with a sexy vampire" sort of story, more like mysterious, actiony vampire story that has love as an aspect in it..) and i also have one story about normal people, if you don't like vampires, demons, aliens, or zombies... i mean, if you're into "normal" stuff.... xD
          anyway, i'd really appreciate it if you could check out one (or more) of my stories, and if you like it, please comment or vote, or maybe even become a fan(: i've been really busy with school lately, so when i have the opportunity, i'll return the favor, i'm making a list of the books anyone wants me to check out on here, so just say the word and i'll add yours too it ^.^
          thanks in advance,


Hey. I know this is a lot to ask but could you take a peek at my stories - Predestined(10 chapters in total) and arms of refuge(Only got one chapter up at the moment and is a work in progress). Would greatly appreciate it. Any comments, votes would be appreciated also. I'll return the favor ofc if you just comment on mine I'll know you read it etc. Lemme know what you'd prefer me to read in return.
          Thanks in advance. 


Aim or facebook is fine, my aim is PceLuvHopexx303 , but aim is being uber retarded and saying it is having network problems when my other screen name that i dont like to use is working just fine, so I guess facebook it is. Private message me your full name because I dont want to show everyone my last name lol