
thank you so so much for 2k reads on lucy, lucy! it literally means the world to me! my plotline and the relationship with emily and lucy is getting stronger by each chapter, BELIEVE ME! they adore each other like no one else. and there is like no slow burn like none. i'm sorry if that irks you, but i'm just not good at writing slow burn. i'm trying to get better at it though!!
          	━━ ALI. 


Hi, love! When are you going to update false god? As a swiftie and potterhead I adore your book! It's so lovely! But also it seems familiar like I also recently read a book similar to this even the nicknames and some happenings but ofcourse Lily and James weren't alive on that book, please don't take it in a bad way it's just something I noticed, I'll try to remember what book that is! ALSO AGAIN PLS UPDATE 


@REIDS- I haven't finished it yet and I opened it, the chapters were gone  I was still at TOFP, I was having a tiktok break  


I will! And I’m sorry, I’ll be reuploading all my chapters seeing as there are so many imperfections in them and my writing has improved since I’ve first started this fic. So if you could pls be patient with me, I also have two other fics that I try and update regularly as well. But again, I will be reuploading my False Gods chapters soon! 
            ━━ ❪ @xoxo_ck


Hiii :)
          Three things:
          1-Love your theme and new covers <3
          2- I have a question about your graphic shop, as I had put an order in back in August and I haven't received.  Absolutely no pressure, but are you still doing graphics?  I'll retract the order on my end if you're not, so there's no confusion. 
          3-I hope you have a great week and stay safe <3


@REIDS- Thank you so much!  No worries at all!  I'll go download right now <3 :)


Yes, I am! I’ve got your graphics ready and on my Pinterest for you to download! So sorry for the vv late response! 
            ━━ ❪ @AthenaPersephone9