
Tapos na ang AOBIDI. Paalam at salamat sa lahat ng sumuporta. Sana suportahan niyo ulit ang iba ko pang stories.


          I will try my best to update each of my stories. I am very sorry for making you all wait for a very long time. I was busy doing this and that, busy with my life and my acads. There's so much things going on with my life these past few months and I guess I also had writers bloc and I admit I almost lost my drive to write. I wanted to greet each and everyone, from now on I will try my best to give an update. Please also support my new story That Boy from the Lost City of Biringan. Lastly, I would like to thank my Angel Outside but Demon Inside readers, that story still have a long way to go and I congratulate you for finishing a nerve wrecking too-many-plot-twists story. Hindi pa siya tapos and I hope you support my other stories too.
          Stay safe and take care!


Fan here!! Please update the story of Demonise? Or Princess... May be Fractal? Kiddin' Aside Miss Author... I'm an author too to be honest and haven't publish the story yet... I know the hardship of giving an update... Editing and Editing again but I'm also a reader.... Reading Demonise' story till midnight... God you really need to update Miss...
          Ps: Can I be your Friend?