Random facts:
I love snickers
I am really clumsily at times
I am usually friendly
I love to listen to music
I am the worst speller ever I swear
I love and hates school
I love to read a write well duh I wouldn't have a user here if I didn't
my stories aren't that good like some in here, but I hope you check them out
????? Paste this on
????? your page if?
?(O)? ?you love?
????? music?

|...............| Put this on your
|...............| page if you have
|............O| ever pushed a
|...............| door that said pull.
  • a far away dream
  • انضمApril 12, 2012

الرسالة الأخيرة
sweetooth121 sweetooth121 Apr 05, 2013 05:57PM
so I finally posted the new and improved The Owls. srry for the long wait, but go check it out and tell me if you like it. I will probable only get to upload once a week. really busy now.  
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم sweetooth121
The Owls (on hold) بقلم sweetooth121
The Owls (on hold)
Kimberley and Jasmena are best friends since birth. When two dangerous people are after them both will they s...
Breaking Mr. Perfect بقلم sweetooth121
Breaking Mr. Perfect
You have heard the story of the girl's heart being broken by the bad boy. You have heard the story of the pri...
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The Owls (On Hold) بقلم sweetooth121
The Owls (On Hold)
Life is unexpected, you just can't predict what will happen next, but at least you have a choice. On the othe...
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2 قوائم قراءة