


@taeboobi you are a skankkkkkkk. Jk Emo bi#th lesbian. Go fall in a show hole and suffocate on couch corn.




@taeboobi you are a skankkkkkkk. Jk Emo bi#th lesbian. Go fall in a show hole and suffocate on couch corn.


Until I get something more sincere, I'll be holding this account. If not, in two weeks, all of these books with be unpublished and deleted and everyone that follows this account will be muted.
          The entire account will stay up, only as a reminder. But the account will be completely blank and unused. Just a btw.


@evilkupkakez Better than what the original owner of this account says tbh. No, don't worry. This entire account is getting deleted. you can hmu elsewhere.


this message may be offensive
@dankerthanpepe your fucking friends are fucking idiots. They caused this, and you know it. Besides; you're not even involved??  You just want to be. To be honest, I believe you have some serious issues you need to take care of. Like, I don't know, maybe you need to OD on that medicine you got? Thanks.


this message may be offensive
Okay believe what you want and keep playing the victim card and only telling one side of the story.
            Also you say we're making it worse, well that's fine cause you're the one who started everything. Have a good life now say your goodbyes and leave my fucking friends alone.


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
This entire fucking time I felt like such a bitch for lashing out once every week at you guys, you ACTUALLY and LITERALLY pretended to be my friend. 
          None of you guys realize how much this hurts me.
          You guys, at one point, were the only people ever in my entire life of going to 15 schools who actually gave a fuck about me and I make one mistake and now it's like everything is broken. You guys would never understand half the shit I have to go through daily.m. Yet you want to do this.
          I hope you all feel like complete shit. Because I know I do.