Most of you may not know that today is world autism awareness day. To show souprtot and to sperd awareness major world landmarks will light it up blue use the #LIUB on social mieda to show your souport and find waht land mark in you area will be lit up blue.
What is autism? Autism or autism spectrum disorder ASD is a nerlogical disorder that afects intellecutal sicolgiacl and interposnal conations and communcation of thouse afected by ASD and have a wide range of symptoms as ASD afectes evryone difrently ranging from verbale to nonverbal.
Intersting facts: 1 in 68 childern are digonesd with ASD 1 in 42 are boys and 1 in 184 are girls. Famoues pople such as Albert Einstein ,Charles Darwin and Mozart are belived to have ben autistic some famoues pople alive to day inclued Temple Grandin and Daryl Hannah and many more.
Pople with autism are just that pople and ned the spourt and care of others just like you so please lets help light the world up blue #LIUB 2016