
Thank you very much for reading The Lioness of Shadi. It’s often overlooked, so I appreciate you giving it your time. I just wanted to say thanks.


@ Astridhe  It's truly a work of art, the worldbuilding, the character development, the flow of prose you chose, it's just as amazing as the rest of your works!! Get better soon and take all the healing time you need!


Sorry for not saying something sooner, but thank you so much for your votes on Ultima Ratio! I am overjoyed every time I see a notification from you pop up in my feed! I just saw you are approaching a very heavy chapter, so please be careful while reading! Thanks again for your support, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story! ❤️


I'm so glad you like it! Good luck with your studies and work, and thanks again!


@laurendoubleu  :)))) thank you for the well written, complex free of charge story!!! the only reason i haven't finished it yet is cause i don't have enough free time between studying and work! it's been a pleasure reading Akira and Danya's story