
Oh yeah I’m on Tumblr now. I’ll take requests both places. For now I’m just reposting my stories from here to there but eventually I’ll post both places.


For my personal reference, my first story, Donkey Kong Scene Rewrite, was finished on February 8, 2024 and posted to Reddit that same day. I don’t remember the date I established this Wattpad account, but I believe it was February 9, the next day, around 11:50 or so. I think I either posted it that night or the next night, February 10. I need to figure out the dates my stories were actually finished and shared (since I’ve made edits) so that when I eventually expand to Tumblr and Deviantart, I can add those dates. Oh yeah, I do plan on posting those places too, possibly even share art? Idk we’ll see.


@that_creature_thing it’s… not that great tbh, that’s why I write, but like I said, we’ll see


Update: HOLY HELL!!
          So I fixed the issue and the first chapter of my new Movie Sonic vore story was published! I guess it had a problem with a certain passage and I omitted that, which allowed me to publish it. Really annoying that I wasn’t told that there was word choice it didn’t like, but hey! It’s out!