
Guys I don’t even live in the part of Florida being affected by the hurricane but I’m still scared- 


@tellthem_naegi  stay safe for how possible! I hope everything ends up alright *hug*


Guys! Oh my goodness I’ve missed all of you so so much!! 
          I started my freshman year of college two weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier!
          I also had the opportunity to collaborate with a cosplay group in my area and travel around being a vendor at anime conventions over the Summer :D
          My small business is up and thriving but I’ve been so incredibly busy! How are you all????? 


@tellthem_naegi  oh gosh hii! I'm super happy your life is going this good! :D
            (Changed name and pfp but anyway it's Ingrid ex mazzo_eurincio here)
            I'm good actually! Super happy to have news from you :3


@tellthem_naegi I'm doing pretty well, school hasn't started yet so I have some time to spend with my friends, and I can write more


Hi guys! Wow! It’s been forever! I’ve been so busy with my senior year and new opportunities that I haven’t been able to be as active as I’d like D: 
          Soooo here’s some life updates:
          1- I got accepted into my dream school! 
          2- I got the okay to graduate so as long as I don’t completely flunk I’ll be okay 
          3- I joined a queer club at my school and I love it! 
          4- I started doing pageants and I’ve won a ton of stuff so far, I won 15 hundred dollars at my last one! 
          And 5- I started a small business to support my passion- nail art! And I already have a ton of customers lined up! :D 


18th birthday AND getting my dream car all in one day???? Who would’ve thought???? :D


Happy birthday:D


@tellthem_naegi that's amazing omg, congratulations!!!


Hey Vivi! How are you?


@tellthem_naegi that's good!! I'm good asw:D wydd


imagine blocking me over stuff that you literally started then when you find out I got upset you unblock me to basically tell me I’m the problem then go on a strange rant about all the issues you have and that’s why you can’t possibly interact with me any longer then once again saying I’m the problem somehow and then block me again….like girly no hate at all but if you’ve got issues then that’s not my fault I had literally every right to be upset almost anyone would’ve gotten upset over what you did- 


            Okay? Sooo maybe dm me who this person is. I need to know who to avoid here.


@A_Blitzwing_Fan basically what I just said 