
This is late, but Happy Pride Month! 


I have all this free time but instead of doing something productive I seem to have gotten lazier


@belle-myers I'm sorry, I JUST read this--my god you just made my day, thanks for all the kind words 


@thatoneperson0417 1) mood
            2) HI i found Changes and Continuities on the archive,  and I AM IN LOVE WITH IT.  like. so bad. the world-building is so good, from the Spawns (and how they die) to the Nether, the Calamities, the distrust of spawns from the villagers and the Brine Rebels, I- I am in love with it. for real. i could write a literary analysis essay on this and get an a because I love it so much. oh my goodness. thank you so much for creating it. aaaaaahhhhh
            3) me before quarantine, when I had no time: I'm going to do THIS, and then THIS, and I'm also going to do THESE-
            me during quarantine: I'm not going to shower for a week.