An average girl, with average grades, average looks, average family, average life...
But extraordinary dreams!
Fandoms:Star Wars, DC, Marvel, Amalgam, Harry Potter, Game of thrones, Twilight, Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles, The Chronicles of Narnia, maroon 5, the killers, Bruce Springsteen, Eminem, Snow Patrol, Frank Sinatra, Pretty Little liars, F.r.i.e.n.d.s., How I Met Your Mother, New Girl, White Collar, Castle, The Mentalist, Homeland, Dexter, The Big Bang Theory, Grey's Anatomy, Oprah, Manchester United, Barcelona, Chelsea...and what not.
I will start writing a book real soon, feel free to criticize it, and tell me all the corrections I would need to make. It will be my first book, I've never written before, so please go a little easy one me :p
I am always up for making new friends so you can just shamelessly PM me :)
- انضمMay 14, 2015
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