
 Guess who’s back? Back. Back. Back again!!! 


@the_an_bruh Are you still back in 2020?


I’m late BUT IM SO GLAD YOU’RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


 Guess who’s back? Back. Back. Back again!!! 


@the_an_bruh Are you still back in 2020?


I’m late BUT IM SO GLAD YOU’RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know a lot of people have been waiting their bottoms off on the next chapter of "A Legend Begins." I want you guys to know that I'm working on it but it's been kind of hard lately. I have two friends; one is going into the Army and the other is going into the Navy. The one that's going into the Army ships out next Monday and the other one ships out August 30th. Right now, I've been trying to maximize the time I spend with them but I'm still trying to work on my story as much as possible. Thanks for your patience guys!


hey I was just reading your story sonic the legend begins and in the chapter he is comeing home the part where it says how everyone is effected by Sonics absences it says he couldn't say anyone was more affected then the other but if he had to say it would be Amy she was like his sister and he tried his best to comfort her.
          I know that's not word for word but unforunly my phone seems to be too glitchly to copy and paste anyways who is it talking about when it says he was it talking about tails shadow or sonic and if sonic how could he comfort her if he she doesn't know he is there but more importantly why in the world would sonic date his sister ?


oh and in that chapter where sally almost kissed sonic it said tails waited to see if what he expect to happen would happen ( I know that's probably not word for word but still ) did tails expect and believe sonic and sally would be a couple ?


one other question you said in that same chapter that sally is getting to used to being a princess so in other words she's going through a spoiled be are princess phase the kind of phase where you feel your in titled to have what you want but she does get over it correct ?