The goal of The Corner Booth is to aid Wattpad newbies and veterans alike by extending direction from writers who have found success on the site.

Live stream shows every Sunday at 6:30pm EST
Please Subscribe to our YouTube channel!
And you can like our Facebook page!

Ask us questions you'd like to see answered in our weekly episodes. Just tweet your question using #tcbwatt or ask a question in the club thread.

Promotional considerations by #justwriteit

Show Runner:
Nat Bradford: @natsaninja

Michelle Hayes: @Michelle007
Sarah Benson: @SarahBensonBooks
Rita Kovach: @rskovach
Mary L. Tabor: @maryltabor
Brittanie Charmintine: @BrittanieCharmintine
Thomas Bonnick: @5ifthproject
Ashlyn McCowan: @StoryofAshlyn
And various guest panelists

Lindsey Lippincott @Linna1029
  • Wattpad Nation
  • InscritApril 24, 2015

Dernier message
TheCornerBooth TheCornerBooth Oct 26, 2015 05:20AM
Contest #3 has gone live! It's time to find out Certifiably Delicious 3!!This time you have TWO WEEKS to nominate people. So spread the word and the wealth, and nominate my friends!
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Histoires par TheCornerBooth
Corner Booth Contests par TheCornerBooth
Corner Booth Contests
Contests will be held after every ten episodes of The Corner Booth. Rules for the contests and all the other...
The Corner Booth par TheCornerBooth
The Corner Booth
This will contain the videos of past shows as well as a transcription of the main questions and answers throu...