
thank you so much to everyone who has followed the account!! I look forward to your amazing stories!


Thank you so much for everyone who's followed this account and left comments. For those of you who do not know what this account is here for, it's here for us to encourage and inspire personal love and body positivity. If you have any topic of insecurity you would like to post a part / story entry on, please message me, or email (if you'd like to be left anonymous) here:

          and it will be posted with a tagline on the story that was just posted. Please share this account with friends, vote, comment, add the story, and do whatever you feel comfortable.
          Keep loving yourselves, and even if you don't, you can try. (:


What you're doing is fantastic! Yes, it's time we start feeling comfortable in our own bodies and loving ourselves first. 
          I'm so going to promo this on my profile. 


@colourless- thank you so  much and yes I agree completely. that was the whole point of this account hahaa I hope it becomes a safe haven for everyone