black lives matter, we matter

hello, you've reached noemi (pen name). she's finally returned to wattpad after an intended one-week hiatus that quickly became three years.

right now, she's currently working on rewriting "for the godly glory," "super dilemma," and "force field babe." progress made: tbd
  • playing acnh on my couch
  • Дата регистрацииMay 14, 2014

Последнее сообщение
unpuns unpuns Apr 17, 2022 10:17PM
I am cooking up something really fun! I won't be posting it until later on in 2022 but I'm really excited for this project and the new direction I'm taking!! Stay tuned :)
Посмотреть все беседы

Истории от n o e m i
Force Field Babe от unpuns
Force Field Babe
HOW A SIMPLE DIET COKE CHANGES FATE -- or, when Dustin Ortiz gains enough courage to buck up and face humilia...
Super Dilemma [Rewriting] от unpuns
Super Dilemma [Rewriting]
Amidst destruction and a destiny engulfed in flames, an unheroic ex-superhero must come to understand that sa...
For the Godly Glory от unpuns
For the Godly Glory
For the only way to survive is to kill-to toss aside your humanity is the true essence of victory amongst the...
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