
I’m working on a rokstar au 


Turns out my parents are really homophobic and it saddens me a lot and it just wants to make me crawl into a hole and die. My family won’t accept me who else will? But always gay forever️‍️‍️‍


@Viola_halogen *tries to break free but fails*


@Nicoismysenpai aww I will support you too


Hey Z here. 
          So I have been crushing on this girl for some time now. We are like really good friends so on to my story. We were at a mutual friend sleepover and we were swimming around ya know havin fun. When we swam off to the side and she straight up asked me if I had a crush on her. Of course my flustered self denied. She then proceeded to say that if I did like her she was sorry that she could never return those feelings and it broke my heart into two. That very night I laid on the same bed as her and I spent the entire night thinking what if I told her that I liked her would it have a different outcome? Would she have liked me back? That night I thought what would have happened if I didn’t deny her. Would have our friendship be broken if I told her? She is 4 years older than me so I can’t really see her everyday. So I kinda regret that I didn’t tell her when I had the chance but I am the type of person who is afraid to break friendships as I am terrible at making friends and am terrified to lose a close friend and afraid that I do something that makes people sad,mad or annoyed with me who is not my family. I don’t know why I am ranting on a public platform but it kinda comforts me that I don’t know anyone on here and that nobody knows me here except my best friend. 
          I am sorry for annoying you guys. Also I am having a writer’s block but I will try to write a chapter for my hermitcraft book. .)