Omg Derek Chauvin is Guilty guys!
I mean we all knew it and saw it but often times in situations like this one the outcome isn't like this one. There's just something about hearing that. I don't like to be too hopeful or too sure. It's a bit of a habit but seeing that today. Seeing the words: "Chauvin guilty on all three charges".Lit up something in me that I thought had died with Mike Brown ( when I first became aware of police brutality against people of color). Hope, a tiny bit of hope that things can get better from here. That change can come from this. At some point, I became desensitized. With all the police brutally going on these past years and the ones prior even in my own neighborhood I guess it just because a part of life. In some sick way, it became normal to see protests on my TV screen. In some sick way, it became normal to see them in my neighborhood. In some sick way it became normal to feel helpless, voiceless and hopeless. Thinking that what I said or what I did, whether I died or lived didn't matter. Suddenly, the girl who wanted to change the world decided that the only thing she could change was her test scores if she put in six more hours and five of sleep. But that like most things in life has changed. I can feel again. I can sleep again. Hell, I can even change the world! Not because of George or Chauvin but because I now remember what it feels like to hope and I know that it's okay to do so. Even in the mist of hopelessness. It's such a great feeling!