
@killjoylover125 oh, hey there :) what's cracka lackin? Sorry for the sudden return! 


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I should probably explain. 
          My 'permanent hiatus' I guess is a little over. I'm just shifting into a comfortable space in life, I got a good score at school for my GPA, I'm the school music captain and I'm non-binary :) so I'm not completely back, but Im here. I saw some messages you all left on my stories and couldn't help giggle, so I'm back! Just to tea shit for now, but I think I might start writing again soon because you all seem to like what I'm doing :) 
          Rock n roll, kids :) 
          I'm not a 40 year old dad, I'm 16 by the way.... 
          Sorry for the shock, you guys are really cool by the way :) 
          - Sami Lee 
          Oh! That reminds me. I know what I want to do with my life! I want to help save the world through music. But it's not me against the world, nor anyone against the world. In order to help save the world, we must help fix those against it. So, will you help me save the world? 


oh my god. no!!!!!! thus I'd almost as sad ad MCR's break up! well, no that was sadder, but we will all miss you so so so much. right now I'm reading Chemistry: Ferard, and I am in love. pleeaaassssee come back. *gives Frankie pouty eyes, and hugs a Unicorn* pwese?


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          I'm sorry, I should probably explain. 
          I'm taking a permanent hiatus. 
          I have no legacy here. 
          I'm logging off forever dudes. 
          This isn't a suicide note, I'm not dying. I just know where my interests lie. 
          I'm spending too much time looking up gay fanfiction on two of my favorite band members where I need to be focusing on my music and getting a good nights sleep. 
          It has been fun guys. My writing was shit, but it helped me through a lot of stuff. 
          Thank you all. 
          My stories will never end. They will continue in my head, in yours. They just will never be finished or started on paper. 
          Thank you. 
          - Sami Lee


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Hello there, I'm back and I'm sorry. Thing is, I have a whole lot of ideas, but no time nor motivation to write anything past chapter 2 or some shit, not even that. I also love making covers for said stories, and basically the plot to these said stories. So I've been thinking, hey, how about I get you guys to write something like that, because I love to write, but am too lazy, but I want to read something that comes from my mind without knowing exactly what happens. So I'll be posting a bunch of ideas in a little book, rules are that you have to use the cover provided (if there is one), give me credit somewhere and roughly follow my storyline. And message me with a link to said finished story. And tell me before hand. Cool? Cool. See you there!!