
new chapter of the one is up! enjoy!


Hi I know i'm like wayyyy late to the party lol but I was hoping you might consider doing the sequel for "it was always you" I absolutely LOVED it and I was hoping you would still consider doing it. I Love your writing to your an amazing writer!


I was woundering, if you make a new outsiders fanfic can you put the character I described in a comment on the book you wrote ( it was always you ) can you put her in the next book you make if you can? Please I was kinda like 2 years late for the charecter contest thing.


Hey guys!
          I'm working on getting my next updates up soon hopefully! I've been absolutely swamped with assessments recently but within the week most of them will be done and I'll have a wee break until the next lot.  I'm going to write a chapter through out the week and when its done (by Sunday evening New Zealand time) I will post it.  I'm really sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long but I'm looking forward to getting something up for you to read soon! :)


An update should be coming either today or tomorrow guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated, I've been really busy with school! But considering I have a break coming up I'll definitely post more.  I've been writing this new chapter really slowly because I want it to be good so I hope you all enjoy it when I can finally post it :)