Shoutout to the two people in bright pink suits, high heels, wigs and flawless eyelashes that complemented me on the shirt I had bought in the boys section of the clothes store because it felt right to have it on me. Either way, I had it on me when me, my sister and my dad was in the city, we stumbled upon a pride festival. My dad was complaining of that is was unnecessary and stopped traffic, I secretly loved it even if I didn’t dare say anything. These two people just walked past us on the street and they just told me that I looked nice in the shirt. My dad made me feel Ashamed of that! Wich in itself is so wrong, I never dared to put that shirt on again even if I loved it and felt quite grateful of that simple comment. So whoever you are you two nice persons, thank you.
(Made by me after a serous breakdown in the middle of the night)