
Thanks so much!


Thank you for that wonderful discussion! You make me almost want to consistently comment again hahahaha, but yes thank you!


I think too that, I'm glad Fin is now realizing what all he'd placed his brother and Vic through. His thinking was distorted and his anger miss-placed...He's wanting his brother to forgive him and for Vic to remember the love that she'd once had//felt for him but he's now understanding that THAT is what Grey and Vic had wanted from him for SO long...


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@thnkpnk86 Nice! And thank you! It's a struggle but I take it one step at a time.
            That is so true though, he should've accepted her but could he really have? In this kind of male dominating world finding out something like that when he should've been the one going with his father in the first place was like a huge blow to his ego to me. I think it made matters worse too when his parents tried getting him to forgive them(more so Grey) right away. Fin wanted to kill his bro. I'd wondered if his father was in a sim position if he would've reacted similarly?
            Anger and hate does many things to your judgement...I'm not saying it as an excuse but, I do remember a time I'd told my sister to drop the time I'd meant it and hadn't cared about the repercussions...but soon afterwards, the denial slipped in. Like, 'do I really mean that or want that?' I  held onto that anger and all I saw WAS anger. I'd lied to yself saying, yeah I do really meant that. 
             Like Fin, he saved himself for her and probably thought that his first time would've been bliss but lookie didn't happen that way. All he saw was just a willing female deserving such a harsh life/treatment. It does not make it right but in his mind, it was. It takes a major wake up call for you to see reason n I think it happened after he'd claimed her n saw into her memories and the FULL extent of her abuse.
            My major wake up call with my sister was knowing that the man I thought I'd loved was really an abusive, cheating asshole that let his family become homeless and gave my sister HPV. 
            I do think with Fin that he held unto that anger a lil bit too long but again, when all you can see IS your own anger and hatred...reasoning would be pushed out.


@meckymeck @Bkiddo13 you guys are really my kind of people. I wish I had digested what I read first because I'm having real case of comment shame now LOL
            The comments on Mills page are...whoo Lawd! I go to go heap some praise on my bae. She sure does know how to bring out the crazies!
            @Meckymeck, that is heavy. I can't even imagine how difficult it must have been for you to endure that amount of heartbreak. Sisters are said to be your first best friends in life so to fall out of harmony with one for 10 years, wow. I admire your courage and strength. Takes a brave and bold woman to get up after any type of abuse, especially at the hands of those who are supposed to love you.
            But to be honest, Fin's anger, from day one, has always been a huge pity party to me. I can understand you being hurt about it but my God, how could he have possibly been ready for a mate (despite saving himself for one) if he couldn't accept her as she came? Or at least make sure she's safely away from her father if you don't want her anymore. It was always very hard for me to believe he loved Vic.